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Bruce Lieberman, President
Jenny Ives, Vice-President
Steve Wallace, Treasurer
Harriette Dorosin, Secretary
Mae Cohen, Immediate Past President

Board Members

Marlene Beringer
John Ives
Joy Kaplan
Russell Levy
Milt Livingston
Jamie Loeb
Lew Nyman
Celeste Sabel
Micki Beth Stiller
Claire Weil


Adult Education, Celeste Sabel
Archives, Claire Weil
Arts and Decoration, Lisa Weil
Caring, Men's Club and Sisterhood
Cemetery, Marlene Beringer
Facilities, Jamie Loeb
Finance, Morris Capouya, Steve Wallace

Hospitality Co-Chairs, Susan Finklestein, Carol Loeb
Investment, Morris Capouya
Long-Range Planning, John Ives
Membership, Russell Levy
Men's Club Co-Presidents, Milt Livingston, Lew Nyman
Religious School, Joy Kaplan
Ritual, John Ives
Security, Lew Nyman 
Social Concerns, Micki Beth Stiller
Sisterhood President 
Youth and Scholarship, Joy Kaplan

Past Presidents

1852-1858................... Josiah Weil
1859-1865................... S. Newman
1866-1869.................... Henry Weil
1869-1872....... Albert Strassburger
1872-1873.................... David Weil
1873-1874.................... B.M. Lewy
1874-1875.................... David Weil
1875-1877....... Albert Strassburger
1877-1878.................... David Weil
1878-1879......... Leopold Waldman
1879-1889............... Maurice Kahn
1889-1892............. Simon Roswald
1892-1919.................... David Weil
1920-1922................... Isador Weil
1922-1924.... Simon Gassenheimer
1924-1926............ Leopold Strauss
1926-1928...................... Emil Weil
1928-1929.............. E. J. Meyer, Sr.
1929-1933........... Simon Wampold
1933-1942................ Ernest Mayer
1942-1946................ Henry A. Weil
1946-1949........ Nathan Rosenfield
1949-1951............... Edwin S. Wise
1951-1953............. Sigmund I. Weil
1953-1955................ Jo Marshuetz

1955-1957............ Myron J. Rothschild
1957-1959.............. Mortimer A. Cohen
1959-1961..................... Roman L. Weil
1961-1963..................... Gaston J. Greil
1963-1965...................... Robert S. Weil
1965-1967............................. J. L. Sabel

1967-1969............... Julian H. Kohn
1969-1971............. Herbert F. Levy
1971-1972.............. Adolph Weil, Jr
1972-1974........... Herman Loeb, Jr.
1974-1976................ B. Frank Loeb
1976-1978................... Mark Sabel
1978-1980.......... Samuel L. Schloss
1980-1982.. Irvin Gassenheimer, Jr.
1982-1984............... James L. Loeb
1984-1986........... Samuel Kaufman
1986-1988............ Irving M. Winter
1988-1990. Herbert M. Scheuer, Jr.
1990-1992.............. Alan E. Weil, Jr
1992-1994.......... E. Larry Capilouto
1994-1996................... John E. Ives
1996-1998. Emily B. Gassenheimer
1998-2000........ B. Stephen Schloss
2000-2002... Charlotte B. Mussafer
2002-2004 Adler “Nikki” Rothschild
2004-2006.......... Marlene Beringer
2006-2008.............. Alan E. Weil, Jr.
2008-2010......... Morris E. Capouya
2010-2012..................... Jenny Ives
2012-2014……......…...Jamie Loeb
2014-2016......... Diane Hanan Weil
2016 - 2018................. John E. Ives
2018 - 2020....... Morris E. Capouya
2020 - 2022.................... Andy Weil
2022 - 2024...................Mae Cohen

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